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Here's the latest code for my CP/M disk editor for Amstrad CP/M machines  ( And the ZX Spectrum +3 ).


CPM Editor Source Code (revision L )  - Download FreeBasic and then extract to your computer. Copy the l.bas file to the FreeBasic root, where the FBC64 and FBC32 files are located ( You can also do this under Linux, and possibly MAC ).

You can get FreeBasic here:

Then navigate a DOS window to that directory and type "FBC64 l.bas" and it will compile an executable.

Expand the DOS window to 1080P ( full size screen ) as it's designed to generate a LOT of text on display, and type l and press enter... You will initialise the CPM program command line.

It's buggy and not well documented. Please let me know what major bugs you hit.


Here's a binary. I don't scan them for viruses. It is dangerous to download and run the binary. But it will run native on Windows 10 machines. I recommend compiling from BAS - that's safest. But if you can't and you enjoy living dangerously, then you can try the binary. You can figure out how to get it past your virus scanner that knows what a binary EXE file is.  No warranty at all for this file.

david-m.bas  <- latest beta

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